Managing Node Servers

If you wish to use the distributed computation framework for OPTESIM, this tutorial will walk you through the management of node servers in MATLAB command line. Please refer to this page for information of setting up the distributed computation framework for OPTESIM.

On the computer that you wish to use the distributed computation framework or manage it, you need to edit the MATLAB file “classpath.txt” to include  “\Distributed_framework\deployment\lib\ DistributedEse.jar” (change to the absolute path on your own file system), so that the node manager and server Java classes are visible at MATLAB command line.

First you need to get a reference to the node manager class by (change "##IP##" to your node manager's IP or hostname):

  >> DistEseManager = ...

To list nodes servers that registered to the node manager, use:

  >> DistEseManager.listServers

To manually register a node server, use (change "##IP##" to your node server's IP or hostname):

  >> DistEseManager.registerNodeServer('//##IP##/distese');

To manually remove a node server, use (change "##IP##" to your node server's IP or hostname):

  >> DistEseManager.unRegisterNodeServer('//##IP##/distese');

To save the node server list, use:

  >> DistEseManager.saveServerList;

To restore the node server list, in case of of, for example, in case of node manager reboot:

  >> DistEseManager.restoreNodeServers

To test node server computation speed and network latency, use:

  >> DistEseManager.testNodesServers

To view node server computation speeds and network latencies, use:

  >> DistEseManager.getServerCompetence
  >> DistEseManager.getServerLatence