function read_gdf,filespec ; ; see ; for more information ; ;+ ; NAME: ; read_gdf ; PURPOSE: ; Read in data files created by WRITE_GDF. ; CATEGORY: ; General Purpose Utility ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; data = read_gdf(file) ; INPUTS: ; file: Complete pathname of the file to be read. ; OUTPUTS: ; data: Data structure. For example, if the original ; data was stored as an array of bytes, then ; DATA will be returned as an array of bytes also. ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Current implementation does not support structures or ; arrays of structures. ; PROCEDURE: ; Reasonably straightforward. ; Determines if the file is ASCII or binary, reads the size ; and dimension info from the header, and reads in the data ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by David G. Grier, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 9/91 ; 12/95 Figures out how to deal with data from different-endian ; machines DGG. ;- on_error,2 ; return to caller on error MAGIC = 082991L HEADER = 'GDF v. 1.0' debug = keyword_set(debug) file = findfile(filespec, count=nfiles) if nfiles eq 0 then message,'No files matched specification '+filespec d = -1 ascii = 0 openr,lun,file(0),/get_lun mgc = 0L readu,lun,mgc doswap = swap_endian(mgc) eq MAGIC ; Check for binary GDF file written on ; different-endian machine ; Check for ASCII GDF file if (mgc ne MAGIC) and (not doswap) then begin point_lun,lun,0 str = '' fmt = '(A'+strtrim(strlen(HEADER),2)+')' readf,lun,format=fmt,str if str eq HEADER then $ ascii = 1 $ else begin message,filespec+' is not a GDF file',/inf goto,done endelse endif ndim = 0L ; Get number of data dimensions if ascii then readf,lun,ndim else readu,lun,ndim if doswap then ndim = swap_endian(ndim) sz = lonarr(ndim+2,/nozero) ; Get data type description if ascii then readf,lun,sz else readu,lun,sz if doswap then sz = swap_endian(sz) sz = [ndim,sz] d = make_array(size=sz,/nozero) if ascii then readf,lun,d else readu,lun,d if doswap then d(*) = swap_endian(d(*)) done: close,lun free_lun,lun return,d end