Eric Weeks - personal pages - pictures

Various pictures I have made

[home] [research]
[software] [PICS]
[misc/links] [about me]


splotches] [black and white lines]



[CA] [2D CA] [JULIA] [PIC]

[PIC] This picture is a phase diagram related to cellular automata. I also have some CA pictures here.

Click here to see some of my pictures which I have made into 'wallpaper' (background images for web pages).

When I was at the Santa Fe Complex Systems Summer School in 1995, I made ten pictures which I handed out to interested people. I did not have access to a color printer, so the pictures were in black and white.

Click here to see these pictures.


Other links:

Some links...

Current address:
Eric R. Weeks
Department of Physics
Emory University
Atlanta, GA 30322-2430