;readtiffstack.pro ;Eric Corwin ;Monday, November 20 ;a function to read in a tiff stack into a single variable ;imagefile is the file to be read ;rect is the rectangular region of the image to be read. It has the form ;[x,y,width,height] measured in pixels from lower left corner (rh coord sys) function readtiffstack,imagefile,rect=rect,start_frame=start_frame, $ stop_frame=stop_frame ok = query_tiff(imagefile, info) start = 0 stop = info.num_images-1 if (keyword_set(start_frame)) then start = start_frame if (keyword_set(stop_frame)) then stop = stop_frame if (keyword_set(rect)) then $ imgarr = bytarr(rect[2]-rect[0],rect[3]-rect[1],stop-start+1) $ else imgarr=bytarr(info.dimensions[0],info.dimensions[1],stop-start+1) if (ok) then begin for i=start,stop do begin if (keyword_set(rect)) then $ img=read_tiff(imagefile,image_index=i,sub_rect=rect) $ else img=read_tiff(imagefile,image_index=i) s=size(img) if (s[0] eq 3) then begin imgarr = img i = stop endif else begin imgarr[*,*,i-start] = img endelse endfor endif return, imgarr end