Particle tracking using IDL -- John C. Crocker and Eric R. Weeks
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Suppose you don't remember everything perfectly, and you want to see how to properly use an IDL function or check exactly what it does. This is the command for you -- it uses IDL's function which to locate the .pro file that's relevant, and then lists that file for you to peruse.

IDL> man,'man'

;       a little tool for looking at other idl programs
;       the memory is the first to go...
pro man,fname

name = which(fname)
spawn,"less -X " + name


IDL> man,'seeall'

;                    10-29-98        Eric Weeks
; see
;    for more information and software updates

pro seeall,tr,dot=dot,izz=izz,dr=dr,short=short
; currently works only for ubertracker data
; z sets the 4th graph to be tr(z,*)
; /dr to plot sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) instead of z-coord
; /short to show shortest first

if (not keyword_set(izz)) then izz=2

on_error,1;                     return to $MAIN

... and so on.

This was written by John.

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