; ; sets the usersymbol (8) to be an open circle ; this function returns the number 8 so you can ; just say psym = circle( ... ) in the plot command ; function circ,radius = radius, thick = thick, fill = fill,$ dx = dx, dy = dy, left = left, right = right, num=num if not keyword_set( num ) then num = 36 if not keyword_set( radius ) then radius = 1. if not keyword_set( thick ) then thick = 1. if not keyword_set( dx ) then dx = 0. if not keyword_set( dy ) then dy = 0. t=findgen(num+1) * (!pi*2./(1.0*num)) if keyword_set( right ) then t = t(0:num/2) if keyword_set( left ) then t = [t(num/2:*),t(0)] x = sin(t)*radius + dx y = cos(t)*radius + dy if keyword_set( fill ) then $ usersym,x,y,/fill $ else usersym,x,y,thick=thick return,8 end