Bride -- Groom -- Ceremony -- Family -- Friends -- Extras

Some of Chrissy's relatives

Chrissy's extended family

Miss Madelaine Holland
with her grandfather, Larry Sheets

Madelaine & Stephanie Holland

Rachael & Scott Wheeler

Stephen Sheets & Rachael Sheets Wheeler

Jacqueline Holland, flower girl

Nicholas & Stephanie Holland

Danielle & Ted Deary

Danielle & Ted Deary

Chris Holland

Nicholas Holland & Stacy Sheets

Ted, Chrissy, Eric, Danielle

Jacqueline & Stephanie Holland

Some of Eric's relatives & family friends

Eric's family (Katy, Chrissy, Eric, Richard & MaryBeth)

Richard & MaryBeth Weeks

Vince Zilius & Alicia Womack

Jamie Whitlatch, Allison Womack, Alice Lilly

Eric's Uncle Gene Priest,
shown reading from 1st Corinthians 13
during the wedding ceremony

Eric's Uncle JR Lilly

Richard Weeks, Pat Johnson, Rita Zilius

C, Jennifer Deacon, Jan, Leslie, Jacqueline & Stacy

C, Leslie, Jan, Jennifer, Stacy, Stephanie & Jacqueline