Eric Weeks - personal pages - research - time series analysis

My Adventures in Chaotic Time Series Analysis

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1. Meet the time series (you are here)
2. Power spectra for the time series (Fourier transforms)
3. Mutual information method to find delay coordinates
4. Plotting attractors
5. Attractors in 3-D
6. Autocorrelation functions
7. Poincaré sections
8. 1-D Maps
9. More later. Perhaps fractal dimensions.

A0. Links and related information

For an explanation of what these pages are all about, select topic 1 above.

This page: top | lorenz | rossler | henon | expt: periodic | qperiodic-2 | qperiodic-3 | chaotic | bottom


This is a side project of mine, learning more about chaotic time series analysis. My motivation is that I have some time series from my experiment which I would like to analyze. I think some of them are chaotic, whereas others are clearly periodic.

I'll add to this web page as I have time and as I try different things. My hope is to link to whatever software I use and/or provide source code if necessary. For example, you can download the software that I used to make the graphs on this page.

Download the time series

I have seven time series. You can download them in several forms: pkzip format; on UNIX systems, use unzip (303k)

timeser.tar.gz: use tar -zxvf to extract (305k)

timeser.tar.Z: use tar -Zxvf to extract (328k)

Each time series is an ASCII file.

Meet the time series

To start with, I have three sets of data which I know are chaotic and for which I can probably look up information about.


Lorenz attractor:

This page: top | lorenz | rossler | henon | expt: periodic | qperiodic-2 | qperiodic-3 | chaotic | bottom
Lorenz: time series | power spectrum | mutual information | attractor | attractor 3D | autocorrelation | poincare | 1-D maps

This was created by Runge-Kutta integration of the Lorenz equations. I used the subroutine rkdumb() taken from Numerical Recipes, with a step size of 0.01. The Lorenz equations are given by:
dx/dt = sigma * (y - x)
dy/dt = r * x - y - x * z
dz/dt = x * y - b * z
I use the standard values sigma=10.0, r = 28.0, b = 8/3.


Rössler attractor:

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Rössler: time series | power spectrum | mutual information | attractor | attractor 3D | autocorrelation | poincare | 1-D maps

This was created by Runge-Kutta integration of the Rossler equations. I used the subroutine rkdumb() taken from Numerical Recipes, with a step size of 0.01. The Rössler equations are given by:
dx/dt = -z - y
dy/dt = x + a * y
dz/dt = b + z * (x - c)
I use the standard values a=0.15, b=0.20, c=10.0.

This was first proposed in the article: O. E. Rössler, Phys. Lett. 57A, 397 (1976).


Hénon attractor:

This page: top | lorenz | rossler | henon | expt: periodic | qperiodic-2 | qperiodic-3 | chaotic | bottom
Hénon: time series | power spectrum | mutual information | attractor | attractor 3D | autocorrelation | poincare | 1-D maps

The Hénon map is given by:
x' = a + b * y - x^2
y' = x
I use a=1.4, b=0.3. I generated the map with the following command: gawk 'BEGIN {x=1;y=1;for (t=1;t < 26384;t++) {xx=1.4+0.3*y-x*x;y=x;x=xx;print x}}' | tail -16384

The map was suggested in the article "A two-dimensional mapping with a strange attractor," M. Hénon, Commun. Math. Phys. 50, 69-77 (1976).


Experimental data: periodic

This page: top | lorenz | rossler | henon | expt: periodic | qperiodic-2 | qperiodic-3 | chaotic | bottom
Experimental/periodic: time series | power spectrum | mutual information | attractor | attractor 3D | autocorrelation | poincare | 1-D maps

Time series taken from my experiment. For more information on the experimental setup, see my research page. These are velocity time series taken with a hot film probe in my experiment. If you'd like more information email me.


Experimental data: quasi-periodic-2

This page: top | lorenz | rossler | henon | expt: periodic | qperiodic-2 | qperiodic-3 | chaotic | bottom
Experimental/quasiperiodic-2: time series | power spectrum | mutual information | attractor | attractor 3D | autocorrelation | poincare | 1-D maps


Experimental data: quasi-periodic-3

This page: top | lorenz | rossler | henon | expt: periodic | qperiodic-2 | qperiodic-3 | chaotic | bottom
Experimental/quasiperiodic-3: time series | power spectrum | mutual information | attractor | attractor 3D | autocorrelation | poincare | 1-D maps


Experimental data: chaotic (?)

This page: top | lorenz | rossler | henon | expt: periodic | qperiodic-2 | qperiodic-3 | chaotic | bottom
Experimental/chaotic: time series | power spectrum | mutual information | attractor | attractor 3D | autocorrelation | poincare | 1-D maps

How can I tell the difference between the above data (quasiperiodic with three fundamental frequencies) and the data below (possibly chaotic)? From the power spectra; this will be on the next page. Also hopefully from trying to reconstruct a strange attractor from the chaotic data. To some extent, distinguishing these two time series is why I am working on this project.

The easiest thing to do next is to take the Fourier transform of each data set.

This page: top | lorenz | rossler | henon | expt: periodic | qperiodic-2 | qperiodic-3 | chaotic | bottom



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Current address:
Eric R. Weeks
Department of Physics
Emory University
Atlanta, GA 30322-2430